Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's All a Dream

Ola, Bonjour, Ciao, and Hello!

(Yes, that’s right I’m multi-lingual…as far as greetings go.)

I was watching the TV the other day, and I noticed something. A lot of shows have dream sequences, and I mean tons!

It seems every single TV show has to have at least one episode where they pretend they are in a 40’s gangster movie, or they have a “What if?” episode, or even, as I said, they fake you out with a dream sequence.

Movies from the 40’s probably started it all, like “Singing in the Rain” or “Oklahoma!”, where they have 10 minute-long, completely insignificant, boring dance number that takes place “in a dream”.

The biggest, most well-known dream sequence, in my opinion anyway, is Dallas. An entire season was a dream! You can’t beat that!

YouTube - Dallas Season 9

I can understand wanting to try something a little different, especially for the actors. However, when it comes to putting completely irrelevant episodes into an already short season, when all the viewer really wants is to continue where the last cliffhanger left off, is utterly cruel!

The most recent case I’ve encountered is “Grey’s Anatomy”. I don’t know what’s going on there, but in season 2, they killed off a character, and now he’s back from the dead. He’s still dead but his grieving fiancée is able to see, talk to, and kiss him, while no one else can. I don’t know if she’s crazy or not, but I do know that they are taunting me!

The shows are already fictional; we don’t need fiction within fiction. It’s too much. All we need is to get our weekly fix without all the extra “making the actors happy”. Just stick to the script, don’t make us think something’s happening when it’s not. Don’t do an episode taking place in a completely different era. Don’t do a musical, and don’t, for Pete’s sake, bring people back from the dead!

And remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.


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