Thursday, October 30, 2008

Following Stupid Drivers

Well salutations all you trusty readers/listeners/stalkers,

Now that you’re here, I would like to take this time to vent just a wee mite. This may prove a great learning experience for you as well especially if your name happens to be…well…you know who you are!

I am a young driver, and I don’t live in the city, therefore I have no need to drive around Edmonton very much. Needless to say, I don’t know E-Town like the back of my hand, or the back of any other extremity, for that matter.

So when I went to Spooktacular at Fort Edmonton Park (because I’m awesome!), I had no idea where I was going. Fortunately, I was following a young fellow, whom I thought at the time was a bright, friendly chap. This was until he turned into the driver spawn of Satan!

Okay, I may be overreacting a bit, just a bit mind you, but at the time I was freaking out. He was driving 30 kilometres over the speed limit, and my car is from 1994, and I am a law abiding citizen, so this was preposterous! Now, because he was driving like a bat out of Hell, he was way ahead of me and a whole slough (yes slough) of cars separated us, so I had no idea where he was or where I was going.

There I was, lost, and majorly ticked off. So much so that I gave that bad apple a piece of my mind, and yes, a few expletives may have slipped out. Then this ignoramus had the gall to say that out of the whole night, I was the scariest thing at Spooktacular! He is now dead, but that is neither here nor there.

The point is, if someone is following you in a convoy (cue song…), then please, for Pete’s sake, go the speed limit, make sure they are behind you or in sight at all times, and most of all, don’t make them angry! You won’t like them when they’re angry…

And remember, even if you’re not quite the sharpest knife in the drawer, you are probably the dullest and rustiest, and are placed in just such a way, that if one were to put their hand in, they will get cut…and Tetanus.


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